costs at college

There are a lot of costs that come with starting your college adventure. It’s everything from costs to tests and visa fees. This must be paid before you are in college, including expenses, fees and books you use at school. It can feel very overwhelming, so we’re going to put your mind at ease and walk you through what both pre- and post-college costs look like.

costs before college:

Your first expense before college will of course be for Luna. This cost is for you to get specialized templates for how exactly you should go through the entire college recruitment process and get the absolute greatest chances of being able to get your absolute biggest esports scholarship.

Why do we charge at Luna? Well we at Luna charge for a number of different reasons, from administrative reasons, recruitment reasons, and for all the hard work we put in to make you live your dream!

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our costs

sat test & Duolingo/TOEFL test

To have the chance to get an esports scholarship at an American college, an SAT Test and Duolingo or TOEFL Test are required to evaluate your math and English skills.

The costs for SAT & Duolingo/TOELF are:

SAT: 1 200 SEK

Duolingo/TOELF: 500 SEK

school fees

Once you have gotten in touch with your college coach and you have decided which college you want to represent and study at, there will be some costs. These costs are, among other things, for the school application, which is the fee that must be paid in order to be admitted to the school. Other school fees that occur are grade evaluation that some schools require in order to evaluate your grades. There will also be a deposit, which means you will put some money into the school so that the school can be assured that you will join them, this deposit will then be deducted from your other costs so this is not an extra cost. When you then go across the Atlantic and study in the USA, the USA requires you to have an F-1 Visa, also called a Student Visa.

The costs of college are:

School application: Around 500 SEK

Evaluations of grades: Often between 1 000 SEK to 3 000 SEK

Deposit: Often between 2 000 SEK to 5 000 SEK

f-1 visum costs (Student visa)

When it’s time for you to pack your bags and head across the Atlantic to study at college in the United States, you’ll need an F-1 Visa, also called a Student Visa. A student visa is something that is required for you as an international student to be able to study in the USA, if you do not have a student visa you will not even enter the country once you have landed and are standing at the American airport.

The costs of a student visa are:

Visa fees: (DS-160 & SEVIS): Around SEK 5,000

Do you want to read more about student visas?

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f-1 visa

Costs before college: summary

A summary of the costs and fees that all schools will require:

SAT: 1 200 SEK

Duolingo/TOELF: 500 SEK

School application: Around 500 SEK

Visa fees: (DS-160 & SEVIS): Around 5 000 SEK

Total: 7 200 SEK

costs at college

The biggest cost you will pay is your school fee, also called your Tuition. It is the cost that will be the largest and most expensive, this is the cost for all your classes and for all your units you take per semester, you take between 12 and 16 units. (Units is a value that indicates how many university points are given to a course. In general, one hour of lecture per week corresponds to one unit)

In addition to your school fees for your classes, you will also need materials for your classes. This material is called Books because it is usually books you need to buy for your lessons, but there are also other small costs that are included here that you need to spend on lesson materials.

At your school, you will also have other small costs in order for you to have access to everything that is on a campus and everything that your school can contribute. This is called Fees and this too is something that will have to be paid every semester.

Room and Board is the name of the fee that covers the fact that you live on the college campus and that you receive food and can eat on the college campus. This cost will always be your freshman year (so your first college year.)

After your first year, you can decide for yourself whether you want to continue paying the fee for the following year so that you still live and eat on campus, or you can choose to live off campus. So you rent an apartment and buy your own food, this can be cheaper and a choice you get to make after your first year.

Do you want to read more about housing and the food on campus?

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Where do you eat?

college costs example:

maryville univeristy

Maryville University has the best League of Legends college esports program in the US with several incredibly strong talents often making the leap to the professional League of Legends scene, the latest example being Eain “AlwaysPlanAhead” Stearn who went from Maryville University to Team Liquid who play in the LCS . Using Maryville University as an example, we will now determine how college costs can look like.

Tuition: $24,766 

Fees: $2,400 

Room and Board: $10,600

Books: $250

Total: $38,016

The total cost of studying at the amazing Maryville University is 38,016 US Dollars. Now, if you are an esports player and Maryville’s esports coach wants to give you a scholarship to represent the “Saints”, this cost will be drastically reduced. If you receive a 70% scholarship from Maryville, the new total cost will instead be only $11,355.

How do i pay all theese college fees?

When you see the amount of money it takes to attend college in America, we fully understand that you can be overwhelmed. But that’s why CSN exists!

CSN is the world’s most favorable financing system for students who want to study abroad. You can borrow so much from CSN that it often covers all or large parts of the course fees abroad (depending on the school, education and length of the education). In addition, the interest rate on the CSN loan is so low that it is often called “the world’s best loan”. This means that the sum you pay back each month to CSN when the studies are completed is very favorable. Approximately 6 to 12 months after the studies are completed, you usually start repaying CSN.

Want to read more about how to finance college?

Click the button on the right!


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Copyright 2023 Luna Agency



There are a lot of costs that come with starting your college adventure. It’s everything from costs to tests and visa fees. This must be paid before you are in college, including expenses, fees and books you use at school. It can feel very overwhelming, so we’re going to put your mind at ease and walk you through what both pre- and post-college costs look like.


Your first expense before college will of course be for Luna. This cost is for you to get specialized templates for how exactly you should go through the entire college recruitment process and get the absolute greatest chances of being able to get your absolute biggest esports scholarship.

Why do we charge at Luna? Well we at Luna charge for a number of different reasons, from administrative reasons, recruitment reasons, and for all the hard work we put in to make you live your dream!

Do you want to read more about Luna’s costs?

Click the button on the right!


sat test & Duolingo/TOEFL test

To have the chance to get an esports scholarship at an American college, an SAT Test and Duolingo or TOEFL Test are required to evaluate your math and English skills.

The costs for SAT & Duolingo/TOELF are:

SAT: 1 200 SEK


Duolingo/TOELF: 500 SEK


Once you have gotten in touch with your college coach and you have decided which college you want to represent and study at, there will be some costs. These costs are, among other things, for the school application, which is the fee that must be paid in order to be admitted to the school. Other school fees that occur are grade evaluation that some schools require in order to evaluate your grades. There will also be a deposit, which means you will put some money into the school so that the school can be assured that you will join them, this deposit will then be deducted from your other costs so this is not an extra cost. When you then go across the Atlantic and study in the USA, the USA requires you to have an F-1 Visa, also called a Student Visa.

The costs of college are:

School application: Around 500 SEK


Evaluations of grades: Often between 1 000 SEK to 3 000 SEK


Deposit: Often between 2 000 SEK to 5 000 SEK


When it’s time for you to pack your bags and head across the Atlantic to study at college in the United States, you’ll need an F-1 Visa, also called a Student Visa. A student visa is something that is required for you as an international student to be able to study in the USA, if you do not have a student visa you will not even enter the country once you have landed and are standing at the American airport.

The costs of a student visa are:

Visa fees: (DS-160 & SEVIS): Around SEK 5,000

Do you want to read more about student visas?

Click the button on the right!

f-1 visa


A summary of the costs and fees that all schools will require:

SAT: 1 200 SEK

500 SEK

School application: Around 500 SEK

Visa fees: (DS-160 & SEVIS): Around 5 000 SEK

Total: 7 200 SEK


The biggest cost you will pay is your school fee, also called your Tuition. It is the cost that will be the largest and most expensive, this is the cost for all your classes and for all your units you take per semester, you take between 12 and 16 units. (Units is a value that indicates how many university points are given to a course. In general, one hour of lecture per week corresponds to one unit)

In addition to your school fees for your classes, you will also need materials for your classes. This material is called Books because it is usually books you need to buy for your lessons, but there are also other small costs that are included here that you need to spend on lesson materials.

At your school, you will also have other small costs in order for you to have access to everything that is on a campus and everything that your school can contribute. This is called Fees and this too is something that will have to be paid every semester.

Room and Board is the name of the fee that covers the fact that you live on the college campus and that you receive food and can eat on the college campus. This cost will always be your freshman year (so your first college year.)

After your first year, you can decide for yourself whether you want to continue paying the fee for the following year so that you still live and eat on campus, or you can choose to live off campus. So you rent an apartment and buy your own food, this can be cheaper and a choice you get to make after your first year.

Do you want to read more about housing and the food on campus?

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maryville univeristy

Maryville University has the best League of Legends college esports program in the US with several incredibly strong talents often making the leap to the professional League of Legends scene, the latest example being Eain “AlwaysPlanAhead” Stearn who went from Maryville University to Team Liquid who play in the LCS . Using Maryville University as an example, we will now determine how college costs can look like.

Tuition: $24,766 

Fees: $2,400 

Room and Board: $10,600

Books: $250

Totalt: $38,016

The total cost of studying at the amazing Maryville University is 38,016 US Dollars. Now, if you are an esports player and Maryville’s esports coach wants to give you a scholarship to represent the “Saints”, this cost will be drastically reduced. If you receive a 70% scholarship from Maryville, the new total cost will instead be only $11,355.


When you see the amount of money it takes to attend college in America, we fully understand that you can be overwhelmed. But that’s why CSN exists!

CSN is the world’s most favorable financing system for students who want to study abroad. You can borrow so much from CSN that it often covers all or large parts of the course fees abroad (depending on the school, education and length of the education). In addition, the interest rate on the CSN loan is so low that it is often called “the world’s best loan”. This means that the sum you pay back each month to CSN when the studies are completed is very favorable. Approximately 6 to 12 months after the studies are completed, you usually start repaying CSN.

Want to read more about how to finance college?

Click the button on the right!



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