requirements for college

There are quite a few “requirements” that exist in order to go to college. The first requirement is that you must have graduated from high school as college is university studies. There are academic requirements such as the SAT Test and Duolingo/TOELF Test, as well as what GPA one must be in order to pass the academic requirements. Then there are also requirements for Esport such as what level you are at in your game (even if this is not as important as it sounds) you have to be at a respectable level in your game to be able to maximize your scholarship chances. Requirements for college in esport is also that you can make a Highlight video. It can feel overwhelming with all these requirements, but together with Luna you will go through this step by step without any problems, through our guidance this will go smoothly and easily for you.

when do i start the process?

You should begin the college recruiting process when you feel you are ready, which is the most important thing. You don’t need to feel any stress about having to rush through the process if you start a little later than others because you really want to feel like college is the next chapter you want to take in your life before you start the process. Having said that, of course the most optimal thing is that you start as early as possible with the whole process. The earlier you start the process, the more chance you give college coaches to scout you and your level, which means you give yourself the maximum recruiting chances the earlier you start.

If you want a slightly more straight forward answer, we at Luna think the best time to start the process is the 2nd year of high school, or the beginning of the 3rd year, as this gives you perfect timing within the recruitment process.

Do you want to know more about how you can maximize your recruitment chances?

Click the button to the right!

maximize your recruitment chances

sat test

What is SAT? The SAT is an American college exam. Common to admissions to all universities in the USA is that the school wants to create an overall picture of you as a student. The SAT result is an important part of that picture, but it varies from school to school how much weight they place on the result. Most American universities require a test score on the SAT when applying, even for you as a foreign student.

This is an exam where your knowledge of English and mathematics is put to the test. Therefore, the SAT is divided into two parts, English and Math.

The scoring system on the SAT is from 400 to 1600. The math section stands for 200 to 800, which means that the English section also stands for 200 to 800.

If you were to be very dissatisfied with your result, no worries! You can redo the test several times so that you get the best results possible!

In the event of an unsuccessful result, you have the option of redoing it, even then combining it with your previous result.

Want to learn more about the SAT and review everything that comes on the test?

Click the button to the right!


duolingo/toefl test

What is Duolingo? Duolingo is a relatively new English test you can take instead of a TOELF test as this test is a recognized English test that you need to take to show your English skills so you can study at a college where English is the language of instruction.

What is TOEFL? TOELF stands for “Test of English as a Foreign Language”. If you do not take a Duolingo test, you need to take a TOEFL test, as this test also shows your English skills.

These English tests, regardless of which one you choose, will measure your language skills in reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing ability, and your speaking ability.

Do you want to read more about Duolingo and the TOEFL test?

Click on one of the buttons on the right!

duolingo test

toefl test

esports requirements

Different esports requirements are required depending on the game you play. However, there is one requirement that all games require, that is a Highlight video.

A highlight video is something esports coaches require because this is something needed to be able to evaluate you as a player. With a highlight video, coaches can see how good you are at your game and why you are a good fit as a player for their team.

Do you want to know more about highlight videos, how to make them, and what to think about when making a highlight video?

Click the button to the right!


academic requirements

In college in the United States, there are also a number of academic requirements to study in college. We’ve already gone through how the scoring system on an SAT Test works, now we’re going to go over what grades you need to be able to study at college in the United States.

Colleges in the United States use the American Grade Point Average (GPA), which differs from a European grading system. Your GPA is between 0.0 to 4.0, although it varies from school to school, most schools require you to have a grade point average of at least 2.2.

Vill du veta hur dina svenska betyg omvandlas till GPA?

 4.0 = A  
3.5 = B
3.0 = C
2.5 = D
2.0 = E
0.0 = F

If you happen to have an “F” in any of your courses, or if you don’t have the best grades, don’t worry! There are still incredible opportunities for you to play esports in college.

what are age requirements?

There is no age requirement in college, so you can study in college no matter how old you are. However, there are age requirements for esport scholarships. What we mean by this is that the older you get, the less chance there is for you to get an esports scholarship. Why is it like this? Well that’s pretty easy to answer actually, it depends on each school wanting as good a player as possible. In esports, your reaction ability will decrease with age, which means that the older you get, the worse you will unfortunately be at your game. Although it’s not like that, of course. If you are worried about how old you are, contact us and we will tell you how the situation is if you still have a good chance of getting an esports scholarship. To answer what the age requirements are, that’s not really answerable, but the sooner you decide on college esports, the better.

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+46 703791419


Copyright 2023 Luna Agency



There are quite a few “requirements” that exist in order to go to college. The first requirement is that you must have graduated from high school as college is university studies. There are academic requirements such as the SAT Test and Duolingo/TOELF Test, as well as what GPA one must be in order to pass the academic requirements. Then there are also requirements for Esport such as what level you are at in your game (even if this is not as important as it sounds) you have to be at a respectable level in your game to be able to maximize your scholarship chances. Requirements for college in esport is also that you can make a Highlight video. It can feel overwhelming with all these requirements, but together with Luna you will go through this step by step without any problems, through our guidance this will go smoothly and easily for you.


You should begin the college recruiting process when you feel you are ready, which is the most important thing. You don’t need to feel any stress about having to rush through the process if you start a little later than others because you really want to feel like college is the next chapter you want to take in your life before you start the process. Having said that, of course the most optimal thing is that you start as early as possible with the whole process. The earlier you start the process, the more chance you give college coaches to scout you and your level, which means you give yourself the maximum recruiting chances the earlier you start.

If you want a slightly more straight forward answer, we at Luna think the best time to start the process is the 2nd year of high school, or the beginning of the 3rd year, as this gives you perfect timing within the recruitment process.

Do you want to know more about how you can maximize your recruitment chances?

Click the button to the right!


sat test

What is SAT? The SAT is an American college exam. Common to admissions to all universities in the USA is that the school wants to create an overall picture of you as a student. The SAT result is an important part of that picture, but it varies from school to school how much weight they place on the result. Most American universities require a test score on the SAT when applying, even for you as a foreign student.

This is an exam where your knowledge of English and mathematics is put to the test. Therefore, the SAT is divided into two parts, English and Math.

The scoring system on the SAT is from 400 to 1600. The math section stands for 200 to 800, which means that the English section also stands for 200 to 800.

If you were to be very dissatisfied with your result, no worries! You can redo the test several times so that you get the best results possible!

In the event of an unsuccessful result, you have the option of redoing it, even then combining it with your previous result.

Want to learn more about the SAT and review everything that comes on the test?

Click the button to the right!


duolingo/toefl test

What is Duolingo? Duolingo is a relatively new English test you can take instead of a TOELF test as this test is a recognized English test that you need to take to show your English skills so you can study at a college where English is the language of instruction.

What is TOEFL? TOELF stands for “Test of English as a Foreign Language”. If you do not take a Duolingo test, you need to take a TOEFL test, as this test also shows your English skills.

These English tests, regardless of which one you choose, will measure your language skills in reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing ability, and your speaking ability.

Do you want to read more about Duolingo and the TOEFL test?

Click on one of the buttons on the right!

duolingo test

toefl test


Different esports requirements are required depending on the game you play. However, there is one requirement that all games require, that is a Highlight video.

A highlight video is something esports coaches require because this is something needed to be able to evaluate you as a player. With a highlight video, coaches can see how good you are at your game and why you are a good fit as a player for their team.

Do you want to know more about highlight videos, how to make them, and what to think about when making a highlight video?

Click the button to the right!



In college in the United States, there are also a number of academic requirements to study in college. We’ve already gone through how the scoring system on an SAT Test works, now we’re going to go over what grades you need to be able to study at college in the United States.

Colleges in the United States use the American Grade Point Average (GPA), which differs from a European grading system. Your GPA is between 0.0 to 4.0, although it varies from school to school, most schools require you to have a grade point average of at least 2.2.

Vill du veta hur dina svenska betyg omvandlas till GPA?


 4.0 = A  
3.5 = B
3.0 = C
2.5 = D
2.0 = E
0.0 = F

If you happen to have an “F” in any of your courses, or if you don’t have the best grades, don’t worry! There are still incredible opportunities for you to play esports in college.


There is no age requirement in college, so you can study in college no matter how old you are. However, there are age requirements for esport scholarships. What we mean by this is that the older you get, the less chance there is for you to get an esports scholarship. Why is it like this? Well that’s pretty easy to answer actually, it depends on each school wanting as good a player as possible. In esports, your reaction ability will decrease with age, which means that the older you get, the worse you will unfortunately be at your game. Although it’s not like that, of course. If you are worried about how old you are, contact us and we will tell you how the situation is if you still have a good chance of getting an esports scholarship. To answer what the age requirements are, that’s not really answerable, but the sooner you decide on college esports, the better.


Book a FREE digital meeting and we will contact you as soon as possible!


+46 703791419


Copyright 2023 Luna Agency