league of legends

League Of Legends (LoL) is a competitive, fast-paced, action-strategy game about destroying your opponent’s base. LoL is one of the absolute biggest computer games and this can also be seen in the college esports scene where LoL is one of the most played games in college.

lol scholarship chances

What are the chances of getting a League of Legends scholarship?

The chance of getting a League of Legends scholarship is AMAZING! The game is very popular and therefore the game has a very large college esports scene. This is a great game to play to maximize your chances of getting a scholarship!


What rank should I have to maximize my scholarship chances?

Platinum - Challenger
> Platinum

To easily show college coaches how good you are at your game, the rank is something that can really help. However, of course your rank does not show the whole picture as you can be much better than what your rank shows, which is true in many cases.

So what rank should I be? This question is difficult to answer because there are many other ways to show your skills, through teamwork, communication, and much more. The ranks we show here are only an approximation of which ranks give the best opportunities to be able to get a League of Legends scholarship.

from college esports to pro

maryville university - team liquid

eain "apa" stearns

From Marryville University to being signed by Team Liquid

maryville university - team liquid

eain "apa" Stearns

Från Marryville University till att bli signad av Team Liquid

TOP league of legends COLLEGE:

maryville University

Maryville University is the absolute best League of Legends school and they are not lacking down. They have NACE Starleague Winners where they usually dominate entire tournaments year after year which shows how good their program is.

maryville University

Maryville University är den absolut bästa League of Legends skolan, och de saknar inte ner. De har NACE Starleague Vinnare där de oftast dominerar hela turnering år efter år vilket bara visar hur bra deras program är.

st. clair vs maryville

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Copyright 2023 Luna Agency


league of legends

League Of Legends (LoL) is a competitive, fast-paced, action-strategy game about destroying your opponent’s base. LoL is one of the absolute biggest computer games and this can also be seen in the college esports scene where LoL is one of the most played games in college.


What are the chances of getting a League of Legends scholarship?

The chance of getting a League of Legends scholarship is AMAZING! The game is very popular and therefore the game has a very large college esports scene. This is a great game to play to maximize your chances of getting a scholarship!


What rank should I have to maximize my scholarship chances?

Platinum - Challenger
> Platinum

To easily show college coaches how good you are at your game, the rank is something that can really help. However, of course your rank does not show the whole picture as you can be much better than what your rank shows, which is true in many cases.

So what rank should I be? This question is difficult to answer because there are many other ways to show your skills, through teamwork, communication, and much more. The ranks we show here are only an approximation of which ranks give the best opportunities to be able to get a League of Legends scholarship.


maryville university - team liquid

ean "apa" Stearns

From Marryville University to being signed by Team Liquid

TOP league of legends COLLEGE:

maryville University

Maryville University is the absolute best League of Legends school and they are not lacking down. They have NACE Starleague Winners where they usually dominate entire tournaments year after year which shows how good their program is.

st. clair vs maryville


Book a FREE digital meeting and we will contact you as soon as possible!


+46 703791419



Copyright 2023 Luna Agency