what do luna do for you

To ask yourself “What will they do for me?” is a very good question to ask yourself when choosing a college agency. This question is good to ask yourself because you want an agency that will follow your wishes and dreams and is an agency that will do everything to see you succeed and that you get what you want. Our goal is that you reach the best school and that you receive the highest possible scholarship.

So what we at Luna will do for you is to reach these goals is very much, because a college recruiting agency does a lot.

Therefore, we will now describe what we at Luna will do for you!

step 1

before you decide

Before you choose Luna as your college recruiting agency, we at Luna will have a meeting with you and if your family wants to participate in the meeting, we even recommend it. Since it can be very difficult to choose the next chapter in one’s life and especially when looking at the next chapter in college in the United States, therefore we recommend that the family attend the meeting. We want you to feel that you are making the right decision, therefore we will have as many meetings as you feel you need before making a decision.

We will discuss this at our meetings:

  • Everything you want to know about college esports.
  • Everything you want to know about college in the US.
  • Your expectations for Luna.
  • Evaluation of Luna where you may end up academically.
  • Evaluation of Luna where you can end up in esports level.
  • Your scholarship opportunities.
  • Your requests.

step 2

become a part of luna

Now you and your family have chosen to become part of Luna. So you have made the big decision that you want to take your studies and your playing to college in the USA. You will never regret this decision!

Once you’ve decided to commit to Luna and your trip to the US, it’s time to sign an agreement and make your payment to us. When the payment is received, we start!

You will now receive a username and password to log in to your very own recruitment portal. We will use the portal for you to be recruited and therefore it will have EVERYTHING! From college offers and examples of schools for you, to a template that is super easy to follow so you can easily get through all the tough and confusing things that the college recruitment process can include.

Do you want to know more about the costs of our services?

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our fees

step 3

gather all material

It is now time for you to gather all the materials necessary to market yourself to the various schools. There is a lot of required material that all colleges need to get in order for you to apply to the schools, there is a lot of material we have not chosen to write here that can help your scholarship and college chances.

The material we need is:

  • Copy of high school grades (Translated into English)
  • Copy of high school grades (Translated into English)
  • Highlight video on gameplay
  • VODs on gameplay
  • Book SAT Test
  • Book Duolingo Test

step 4

Highlightvideo och vods

Highlights video: Recording a highlights video is a necessity as it will show the coaches your skill and therefore a very good way to beat your competition. Some create their own video and some use Luna to create their highlight video. When you are part of Luna we will help you with this completely free of charge, if you don’t know how to go about it don’t worry, we will help you create the perfect video.

VODs: Recording an entire game as you play and talk is something that is very good to show to college coaches. VODs are perfect because then the coaches can really see how good you really are and how well you communicate with your teammates if you play a game with teammates then of course. We will of course also help you with this!

Want to know more about college highlight videos and VODs?

Click the button to the right!

college highlightvideo

step 5

college contact

When we have received all the necessary materials, it is time for you to get in touch with schools and their esports coaches. What we are going to do to get you in contact with these trainers is to market you. This process is the longest and most demanding of the entire college recruiting journey. This process is the most demanding and takes the longest because we will now take all your wishes and where you stand academically, financially and what level you are at in your gambling, and now find the right school for you. Therefore, we will contact these schools we think may be interested in you, we will also get schools that contact us as we have a platform for schools that can check out our students.

step 6

talk to college esports coaches

A big part of the college process is your ability to talk to the college coaches. This is a very important part of the process because the coaches who are interested in you also want to see that you are a committed player and that you are a good person. We will guide and coach you through this process to maximize your opportunities, but as long as you are yourself when you talk to the coaches, we know you will charm them!

Want to know more about what it’s like to talk to college coaches?

Click the button to the right!

talk to coaches

step 7

tryouts (probably not nececcary)

After you have talked to interested schools and coaches, there is a chance, even if it is not great, that you will need to do a tryout for the interested school. A tryout is something that usually the absolute best schools have, because they want to know if you are really as good as they think you are from the videos you submitted. You will do your tryout online because you are an international student, on the other hand, if you are an esports player who has several awards in your game and is ranked high in your game, the school can also pay for you to come and do your tryout on campus. If you do your tryout online, which as I said is most likely, you will be playing with either your future teammates or with other applicants. We will guide you through this process and give you the support you need. But as I said, having to do a tryout is usually not the case, this is not something you need to go around worrying about.

Want to know more about tryouts?

Click the button to the right!


step 8

negotiates your scholarship

We will now negotiate with the schools that are interested in you so they can post a scholarship offer that you can take into account when choosing a school. We will negotiate with these schools so that you get the largest scholarship possible, a scholarship you deserve. What you need to know about esports scholarship is that there can be a huge difference from school to school, but we will definitely find the right scholarship for you.

Do you want to know more about scholarship?

Click the button to the right!


step 9

college choise

When it’s time to choose a school, we, together with your family, will make a final decision about which school you want to attend. Remember that when it comes to your final choice of school, this decision is yours alone, you must choose a school that you want to attend. We at Luna will be a pillar of support when you choose a school and we will also make sure that the choice you choose is right for you.

We will also help you and guide you through all the paperwork that must be done when you have made your choice of school. We will go through your application to your school and also all other documents that need to be submitted to the school and how you do it. We have also already checked and ensured that you will be admitted to the school, not being admitted is not something you need to worry about.

Do you want to know more about what you should consider before choosing a school?

Click the button to the right!

to think about before choosing school

step 10

f-1 Visa process

Now that everything about your school is done, you need to take the final steps in your college process. A big step in the process is getting your F-1 visa. Every international student studying in America needs to obtain an F-1 visa. This process is usually quite simple, but even this can be very confusing when you don’t know how to proceed. We will therefore guide you how to apply for an F-1 visa and everything you need to bring with you to get an approved visa.

Want to know more about F-1 visas?

Click the button to the right!

f-1 visa

step 11


This is also an incredibly important step, to apply for CSN grants and loans. College can be very expensive, most of the time you can’t finance your schooling without getting some help from CSN. This is something we of course recommend doing as CSN has fantastic student loans for you as an international student. However, we will not tell you how to finance your schooling and we will not pressure you to take out a loan if it is something you do not want to do. If you decide to take help from CSN, we will help you with the CSN application and how much you can apply for in that case.

Do you want to know more about CSN?

Click the button to the right!

step 12


This is also a very important step. It is very important to be insured when studying in college in the United States. We at Luna will therefore give you criteria on what your insurance should cover. There are insurance companies that specialize in insurance abroad, but you can also talk to the insurance you already have and with their help get foreign insurance. It is therefore up to you and your family to decide which insurance works best for you.

step 13


Different schools have different requirements regarding medical certificates and vaccinations. We will guide you through what documents you need from doctors and vaccination clinics that your school requires and that entry to America requires. Different schools have different requirements, also depending on which state your school is in there are different requirements for vaccinations and medical certificates. The information about what you need for documents in that case will come out with your school when you have chosen a school, we will set up a plan after that.

step 14

before departure

Now it’s almost time for you to pack your bags and get on the plane to America. However, before you do that, we will give you a list of things that you should take with you and things that we think can be very practical. We will also send you a list of what papers are important to take with you when you take your first steps on American soil. So we will make sure that you are prepared and that you have nothing to worry about.

Do you want to know more about before departure?

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before departure

step 15

we are here for you!

You have now landed in the United States and started the absolutely fantastic adventure you have ahead of you. We at Luna will continue to be here for you and provide our support from the day you start your college journey and for the rest of your life as we see ourselves as one big family. We at Luna are genuinely interested in you and your journey, which is why we will contact you to see that you enjoy your new home. Should problems or conflicts arise with, for example, trainers or other things, we will be here as your support and are ready to step in and help you. So we are your support when you go to college and since we have made the same journey, it can be nice to talk to us.

If you are not happy at your school but want to continue your esports journey in the US, we will help you make a transition to another school. It’s all about you feeling good and feeling like you’re getting that adventure and what you always wanted.

We see ourselves as one big family and would love to create a friendship even after your college journey.

book your meeting with us

Book a FREE digital meeting and we will contact you as soon as possible!


+46 703791419



Copyright 2023 Luna Agency



To ask yourself “What will they do for me?” is a very good question to ask yourself when choosing a college agency. This question is good to ask yourself because you want an agency that will follow your wishes and dreams and is an agency that will do everything to see you succeed and that you get what you want. Our goal is that you reach the best school and that you receive the highest possible scholarship.

So what we at Luna will do for you is to reach these goals is very much, because a college recruiting agency does a lot.

Therefore, we will now describe what we at Luna will do for you!



Before you choose Luna as your college recruiting agency, we at Luna will have a meeting with you and if your family wants to participate in the meeting, we even recommend it. Since it can be very difficult to choose the next chapter in one’s life and especially when looking at the next chapter in college in the United States, therefore we recommend that the family attend the meeting. We want you to feel that you are making the right decision, therefore we will have as many meetings as you feel you need before making a decision.

We will discuss this at our meetings:

  • Everything you want to know about college esports.
  • Everything you want to know about college in the US.
  • Your expectations for Luna.
  • Evaluation of Luna where you may end up academically.
  • Evaluation of Luna where you can end up in esports level.
  • Your scholarship opportunities.
  • Your requests.



Now you and your family have chosen to become part of Luna. So you have made the big decision that you want to take your studies and your playing to college in the USA. You will never regret this decision!

Once you’ve decided to commit to Luna and your trip to the US, it’s time to sign an agreement and make your payment to us. When the payment is received, we start!

You will now receive a username and password to log in to your very own recruitment portal. We will use the portal for you to be recruited and therefore it will have EVERYTHING! From college offers and examples of schools for you, to a template that is super easy to follow so you can easily get through all the tough and confusing things that the college recruitment process can include.

Do you want to know more about the costs of our services?

Click the button on the right




It is now time for you to gather all the materials necessary to market yourself to the various schools. There is a lot of required material that all colleges need to get in order for you to apply to the schools, there is a lot of material we have not chosen to write here that can help your scholarship and college chances.

The material we need is:

  • Copy of high school grades (Translated into English)
  • Copy of high school grades (Translated into English)
  • Highlight video on gameplay
  • VODs on gameplay
  • Book SAT Test
  • Book Duolingo Test



Highlights video: Recording a highlights video is a necessity as it will show the coaches your skill and therefore a very good way to beat your competition. Some create their own video and some use Luna to create their highlight video. When you are part of Luna we will help you with this completely free of charge, if you don’t know how to go about it don’t worry, we will help you create the perfect video.

VODs: Recording an entire game as you play and talk is something that is very good to show to college coaches. VODs are perfect because then the coaches can really see how good you really are and how well you communicate with your teammates if you play a game with teammates then of course. We will of course also help you with this!

Want to know more about college highlight videos and VODs?

Click the button to the right!

college highlightvideo



When we have received all the necessary materials, it is time for you to get in touch with schools and their esports coaches. What we are going to do to get you in contact with these trainers is to market you. This process is the longest and most demanding of the entire college recruiting journey. This process is the most demanding and takes the longest because we will now take all your wishes and where you stand academically, financially and what level you are at in your gambling, and now find the right school for you. Therefore, we will contact these schools we think may be interested in you, we will also get schools that contact us as we have a platform for schools that can check out our students.



A big part of the college process is your ability to talk to the college coaches. This is a very important part of the process because the coaches who are interested in you also want to see that you are a committed player and that you are a good person. We will guide and coach you through this process to maximize your opportunities, but as long as you are yourself when you talk to the coaches, we know you will charm them!

Want to know more about what it’s like to talk to college coaches?

Click the button to the right!




After you have talked to interested schools and coaches, there is a chance, even if it is not great, that you will need to do a tryout for the interested school. A tryout is something that usually the absolute best schools have, because they want to know if you are really as good as they think you are from the videos you submitted. You will do your tryout online because you are an international student, on the other hand, if you are an esports player who has several awards in your game and is ranked high in your game, the school can also pay for you to come and do your tryout on campus. If you do your tryout online, which as I said is most likely, you will be playing with either your future teammates or with other applicants. We will guide you through this process and give you the support you need. But as I said, having to do a tryout is usually not the case, this is not something you need to go around worrying about.

Want to know more about tryouts?

Click the button to the right!




We will now negotiate with the schools that are interested in you so they can post a scholarship offer that you can take into account when choosing a school. We will negotiate with these schools so that you get the largest scholarship possible, a scholarship you deserve. What you need to know about esports scholarship is that there can be a huge difference from school to school, but we will definitely find the right scholarship for you.

Do you want to know more about scholarship?

Click the button to the right!




When it’s time to choose a school, we, together with your family, will make a final decision about which school you want to attend. Remember that when it comes to your final choice of school, this decision is yours alone, you must choose a school that you want to attend. We at Luna will be a pillar of support when you choose a school and we will also make sure that the choice you choose is right for you.

We will also help you and guide you through all the paperwork that must be done when you have made your choice of school. We will go through your application to your school and also all other documents that need to be submitted to the school and how you do it. We have also already checked and ensured that you will be admitted to the school, not being admitted is not something you need to worry about.

Do you want to know more about what you should consider before choosing a school?

Click the button to the right!


step 10


Now that everything about your school is done, you need to take the final steps in your college process. A big step in the process is getting your F-1 visa. Every international student studying in America needs to obtain an F-1 visa. This process is usually quite simple, but even this can be very confusing when you don’t know how to proceed. We will therefore guide you how to apply for an F-1 visa and everything you need to bring with you to get an approved visa.

Want to know more about F-1 visas?

Click the button to the right!

f-1 visa

step 11


This is also an incredibly important step, to apply for CSN grants and loans. College can be very expensive, most of the time you can’t finance your schooling without getting some help from CSN. This is something we of course recommend doing as CSN has fantastic student loans for you as an international student. However, we will not tell you how to finance your schooling and we will not pressure you to take out a loan if it is something you do not want to do. If you decide to take help from CSN, we will help you with the CSN application and how much you can apply for in that case.

Do you want to know more about CSN?

Click the button to the right!

step 12


This is also a very important step. It is very important to be insured when studying in college in the United States. We at Luna will therefore give you criteria on what your insurance should cover. There are insurance companies that specialize in insurance abroad, but you can also talk to the insurance you already have and with their help get foreign insurance. It is therefore up to you and your family to decide which insurance works best for you.

step 13


Different schools have different requirements regarding medical certificates and vaccinations. We will guide you through what documents you need from doctors and vaccination clinics that your school requires and that entry to America requires. Different schools have different requirements, also depending on which state your school is in there are different requirements for vaccinations and medical certificates. The information about what you need for documents in that case will come out with your school when you have chosen a school, we will set up a plan after that.

step 14


Now it’s almost time for you to pack your bags and get on the plane to America. However, before you do that, we will give you a list of things that you should take with you and things that we think can be very practical. We will also send you a list of what papers are important to take with you when you take your first steps on American soil. So we will make sure that you are prepared and that you have nothing to worry about.

Do you want to know more about before departure?

Click the button to the right!


step 15


You have now landed in the United States and started the absolutely fantastic adventure you have ahead of you. We at Luna will continue to be here for you and provide our support from the day you start your college journey and for the rest of your life as we see ourselves as one big family. We at Luna are genuinely interested in you and your journey, which is why we will contact you to see that you enjoy your new home. Should problems or conflicts arise with, for example, trainers or other things, we will be here as your support and are ready to step in and help you. So we are your support when you go to college and since we have made the same journey, it can be nice to talk to us.

If you are not happy at your school but want to continue your esports journey in the US, we will help you make a transition to another school. It’s all about you feeling good and feeling like you’re getting that adventure and what you always wanted.

We see ourselves as one big family and would love to create a friendship even after your college journey.


Book a FREE digital meeting and we will contact you as soon as possible!


+46 703791419



Copyright 2023 Luna Agency