
Explore endless worlds and build everything from the simplest houses to the largest castles. Play battle royale types of tournaments and other types of survival games. Minecraft is one of the biggest games in the world, if not the absolute biggest game ever, continue your Minecraft journey in college.

minecraft scholarship chances

What are the chances of getting a Minecraft scholarship? ?

Unfortunately, there is no scholarship to give out to Minecraft players. But don’t worry! You still have GREAT chances to be able to play your favorite game in college in the US. You do this in so-called college esports clubs.

college esports clubs

Just like other sports in college (football, basketball, etc…) there is a varsity level and also a club level. The varsity level is the players who are the best in the varsity who represent the school against other schools in competitions. Since a relatively high level is required to get to this varsity level, there are also college clubs for those who either do not feel that they are at the right level, or that you feel that you do not want to play at such a serious level. In esports clubs, they focus more on including everyone who wants to join and helping less skilled players gain more experience.

Esports clubs have different teams and all these teams also compete in tournaments, they also compete in other college esports leagues, and they also have different competitions for those who go to school so the school teams compete against each other. In addition to those, the club also arranges community evenings for each individual match.

Many club members also move up to the varsity level when they have gained the skill and experience that you get from playing in a club team, so you can also see esports clubs as a kind of Junior Varsity team.

Want to know more about College Esports Clubs?  

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esports clubs

Precis som andra sporter på college (fotboll, basket, mm…) så finns det en varsity nivå och även en klubbnivå. Varsity nivån är de spelarna som är bäst på universitetet som då representerar skolan mot andra skolor i tävlingar. Eftersom det krävs en relativt hög nivå för att komma till denna varsity nivån, så finns även college klubbar för de som antingen inte känner att de ligger på rätt nivå, eller att man känner att man inte vill spela på en så seriös nivå. På esports klubbar så fokuserar man mer på att inkludera alla som vill va med och att hjälpa mindre skickliga spelare att få mer erfarenhet. 

Esport klubbar har olika lag och alla dessa lagen tävlar också i turneringar, de tävlar också andra college esports ligor, och de har även olika tävlingar för de som går på skolan så skolans lag tävlar mot varandra. Utöver de så arrangerar klubben också community-kvällar för varje enskild match.

Många klubbmedlemmar flyttar även upp till varsity nivån när de har fått den skickligheten och erfarenheten som man får av att spela i ett klubblag, så man kan även se esports klubbar som ett slags Junior Varsity lag.

Vill du veta mer om College Esports Klubbar? 

Klicka på knappen till höger!

esports klubb

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Explore endless worlds and build everything from the simplest houses to the largest castles. Play battle royale types of tournaments and other types of survival games. Minecraft is one of the biggest games in the world, if not the absolute biggest game ever, continue your Minecraft journey in college.


What are the chances of getting a Minecraft scholarship? ?

Unfortunately, there is no scholarship to give out to Minecraft players. But don’t worry! You still have GREAT chances to be able to play your favorite game in college in the US. You do this in so-called college esports clubs.


Just like other sports in college (football, basketball, etc…) there is a varsity level and also a club level. The varsity level is the players who are the best in the varsity who represent the school against other schools in competitions. Since a relatively high level is required to get to this varsity level, there are also college clubs for those who either do not feel that they are at the right level, or that you feel that you do not want to play at such a serious level. In esports clubs, they focus more on including everyone who wants to join and helping less skilled players gain more experience.

Esports clubs have different teams and all these teams also compete in tournaments, they also compete in other college esports leagues, and they also have different competitions for those who go to school so the school teams compete against each other. In addition to those, the club also arranges community evenings for each individual match.

Many club members also move up to the varsity level when they have gained the skill and experience that you get from playing in a club team, so you can also see esports clubs as a kind of Junior Varsity team.

Want to know more about College Esports Clubs?  

Click the button to the right!



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+46 703791419



Copyright 2023 Luna Agency