privacy policy

About Privacy Policy 
This privacy policy explains when and why we collect information about you, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to other and how we keep it secure. We, Luna Agency, act as “controller” of the personal data you provide through our website Luna Agency also acts as a “processor” on behalf of schools using our platform and services. Schools/University staff are using our Services and our platform to follow up on your requests for information.

What information do we collect? 
You may navigate on our webpage without providing your personal data except for your IP-address and user agent string. IP-address and user agent string are stored for 24 months after it was last used. However, if you wish to receive information pertaining to us, or to receive information from the universities registered in our databases and network, we will need your personal information.

We collect information from you when you register on our site, subscribe to our newsletter, respond to a survey, fill out a form or electronically provide us with data. You must be at least 13 years of age to use our Services. You may be asked to enter your: Name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number and various financial, educational, coaching and athletes information (including pictures and videos) (as applicable). We also may ask you to provide us feedback and review of our Services.

More information we store that you knowingly provide for us is: 
Contact Information (such as email adress, phone number, etc)
Basic Personal Information (such as name, country of residence, age, etc)
Information About Other Individuals (such as, family members, friends, etc)

We also do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your Children has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

Like most websites, we use cookies to enhance your experience, gather general visitor information, and track visits to our website.

What do we use your information for?
Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:

  • Market your profile to university staff in order to facilitate the college recruitment process.
  • Help university staff assess your suitability to a university and its athletic programs.
  • Introduce you to our partners that will help you with relevant parts of your college recruitment process.
  • To answer your request to a school: Your personal information will be processed in order to send you information about our schools’ educational and scholarship offers from which you have requested such information.
  • Assist you in the application to university programs.
  • To personalize your experience: Your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs.
  • To improve our website: We process information about you when you send us e-mails directly. We continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you.
  • To improve customer service: Your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs.
  • To send periodic emails.
  • To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature.
  • To send information and updates pertaining to your request, in addition to occasional company news, updates, promotions, related product or service information etc.

When processing the web form and sending you requested information, the legal basis for processing personal data is that it is necessary for the performance of a contract of which you are a party in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (GDPR Article 6 no. 1 item b). We will also send you status updates on your college recruitment process to the email-address you have provided for order processing, in addition to any relevant information such as occasional company news, updates, promotions, product or service information etc. related to the programs you have requested where the legal basis for processing personal data is legitimate interest (GDPR Article 6 no. 1 item f) or under your consent, if necessary, which is processed due to consent (GDPR Article 6 no. 1 item a and GDPR Article 49 no.1 item a).

When you sign up for our Services and get an account with us, we also process your contact details as provided by you. The purpose of the processing is to give you access to the Services, and the legal basis for processing is that it is necessary to do the processing in order to fulfil the agreement with you to use the Service (GDPR Article 6 (1) b/GDPR Article 49 (1) b). By contacting us, you can control your information by viewing, amending and deleting your personal data upon requesting it from us. By instructing us to delete your account, all personal data will be deleted. In addition, we will process technical logs, for security and development of the service, which will be processed on the basis of our legitimate interest to keep the systems safe and up to date (GDPR Article 6 (1) f) as we consider that this purpose does not override your rights to privacy.

Delete or withdraw your data
You may opt-out or delete your data at any time by instructing us to delete your data.   You may also unsubscribe via phone or e-mail. You will find our contact details under ‘’Contacting Us’’.

Request access to your data
You may at any time request access to the information we process about you by contacting us via phone, or by e-mail. You may also request to have the information corrected. You may also have your personal data transferred upon request. Furthermore, you may request restriction of processing personal data or object to the processing in accordance with relevant legislation. Our contact info is stated under ‘’Contacting Us’’.

How do we protect your information?
We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you submit a request or enter, submit, or access your personal information.

These security measures include: Hashed/salted password protection, regular software updates, backups, firewalls, best-practice database communication, role-based system access and more.

How long do we keep your information?
Personal data, such as name and adress, will be stored for at least one year which is the obligations we have according to the law. When the stored data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed, it will be deleted. Your information will be used for marketing and this information that we use for marketing purposes will be kept with us until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information.

Do we use cookies?
Yes. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow) that enables our system to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. You can find our Cookie Policy here. Cookie Policy

We use cookies to compile aggregate data about site traffic and to personalize your experience. You will be asked to consent to the use of cookies when you enter our website by clicking the ‘’I agree’’ button. You may withdraw your consent at any time by altering your browser settings, by logging in your account, or by phone or e-mail.

You may continue to use our service without accepting cookies, but please note that this may affect the functionality of our website negatively.

Cookies might also be set by trusted sub-processors. Please refer to the “Sub-processors” section below for information about which sub-processors that are used. 

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?
We work closely with our trusted third parties, i.e. the universities and others institutions and partners we use to facilitate the Services, to provide you with correct and updated information about educational and scholarship offers. When you request information from one of our trusted third parties, the relevant university and their representatives will receive your name and e-mail address   and receive your personal details to provide you with information about the curriculum and admission process, and any other information that you have requested.

The information may also be used to send you additional newsletters and e-mails, provided you have not opted out from receiving such information.

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to other third parties your personally identifiable information. However, we may release your information when we believe release is necessary to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety. Furthermore, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.

Will we transfer your information outside of Europe?
As a part of the services offered to you, the information you provide to us may be transferred outside the European Union (‘’EU’’) or the European Economic Area (EEA), provided you agree to receive information from a university outside the EU/EEA, and thereby your agreement require us to transfer your personal data in order for the Services to be delivered. Please note that such third countries may have different and sometimes lesser levels of protection of your personal data.

If we transfer your information outside of the EU/EEA, we will take steps to ensure that appropriate security measures are taken to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this policy.

Where is my data stored?
Your data will be stored in the datacenter inside the European Union

Third Party Links 
Ocasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website and through our Services. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites and Services. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites and services.

Online Privacy Policy Only 
This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.

What are my rights?
Access: You have the right to ask for a copy of the data we have stored from you
Correction: We want your data to be stored correctly and that your data is up to date. You can ask us to correct, or delete information you think is faulty
Removal of Data: You can demand that your data should be removed. We cannot delete information about you that the law demands us to have
Data Portability: You can ask us to transfer your information from our IT-Environment to another, either to another company, or to your own. This does not apply to information that the law demands us to have
Withdrawal of Consent: You can withdraw your consent to share your data anytime, you can do this by sending an email to
Complaint: You can at any time give us a complaint

How can I exercise my rights?
If you which to exercise any of your rights above, please email or write to use using the contact adress at the bottom of the page. If you wish to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority, please contact the authority directly

Changes to this policy
We update our Privacy Policy regularly and regularly update this website. 

This Privacy Policy was last updated on Monday, August 21, 2023 at 13:20 CET  

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or how we are using/storing your data, contact us at:


+46 703791420


Copyright 2023 Luna Agency


privacy policy

Vilken Information samlar ni om mig? 
Enkelt, Luna skapades för att hjälpa esports spelare ha samma möjligheter som alla andra college idrottare att ha chansen att kunna åka utomlands och kombinera sitt spelande med en bra utbildning på ett college i Amerika. Esports scenen på college växer otroligt snabbt och att kunna spela sitt favorit spel och samtidigt representera din skola är en fantastisk känsla och upplevelse. Eftersom möjligheten för esports spelare att kunna kombinera sitt spelande med en bra utbildning är otroligt sällsynt i runtom i Europa så skapades Luna, då vi har kunskapen och resurserna för att kunna hjälpa esports spelare att göra denna fantastiska resa. För att hjälpa alla esports spelare att spela sitt favoritspel och kombinera det med en bra utbildning är så sällsynt ville Luna ändra på detta och vara ansiktet utåt för denna processen.

Allt började med en medlem i Luna, Axel, som har spelat fotboll sen han va 6 år gammal och därför ville han kombinera sin fotboll med studier på college. Axel spelade för Landskrona BoIS i P19 Allsvenskan och detta kan vara tufft att kombinera med en bra utbildning, så därför va college det naturliga valet för Axel. Så Axel tog hjälp av en college agentur för att kunna göra detta till en verklighet, även om han är tacksam över deras hjälp, så fick han aldrig en riktig känsla att han fick igenom sina önskemål och därför avbröts collegeprocessen. Senare ville Axel och Joel från Luna båda göra collegeresan och Axel ville ge det ett nytt försök. Så de gick ihop och tog hjälp av en annan college agentur och via den agenturen tog de sig till Santa Monica College där Axel kombinerade sina studier med fotboll. De blev däremot mycket missnöjda över hjälpen de fick från agenturen då de upplevde att agenturen inte hade kunskapen eller färdigheterna för att kunna hjälpa dom på bästa sättet.

Så det var här idén började, “Vi kan göra detta bättre. Varför inte skapa vår egen college agentur?”, och det är precis vad vi gjorde. Vi ville skapa en rekryterings agentur som ska vara utbildade inom alla ämnen och även ha otroliga kunskaper och varje detalj om college rekryterings processen. En agentur där studenterna känner att de tillhör en familj och att deras önskemål blir hörda. En agentur där dina drömmar, mål, och önskemål är av största vikt och detta är Lunas mål. Lunas mål är att när processen är gjord och du är i USA, så är du placerad på en skola där du känner att dina drömmar, mål, och önskningar har blivit hörda. 

Varför Esport? Varför vi valde att skapa Luna Agency och ha vårt fokus på Esport är pågrund av att vi alla tre älskar att spela spel, och esport scenen är så otroligt stor, speciellt på College. Så att det inte finns någon väg för alla som älskar att spela spel, kändes väldigt underligt enligt oss på Luna, därför tar vi saken i våra egna händer och vill hjälpa alla som älskar att spela spel att fortsätta kunna göra detta som är så otroligt roligt, samtidigt som man har sitt livs roligaste äventyr tillsammans med en helt otroligt utbildning som kommer kunna hjälpa dig för resten av livet.  

Eftersom det bara finns så mycket du kan utbilda dig inom rekryteringsprocessen så vill vi ändå vara den mest utbildade agenturen och ha den bredaste kunskapen inom allt som har att göra med college och allt annat. Vi vill att du ska känna dig som hemma är du tar hjälp av Luna och att du känner att det finns en bra personlig kontakt mellan dig och oss. Vad vi menar med det är att vi vill att du ska känna att du kan kontakta oss när du är på college om du har några frågor eller tankar om vad som helst så du inte går och oroar dig för något när du är i USA. Vi vill att du ska känna att du är en del av familjen och att din röst blir hörd.


+46 703791420


Copyright 2023 Luna Agency