the school system in usa

The college school system in the US can definitely be very confusing when you don’t know much about it, especially since you get graded a little differently compared to how you get graded in Sweden. In principle, the school system is roughly the same as at a university back home in Sweden. However, you leave high school earlier in the US than you do in Sweden. High school in the USA is like high school in Sweden, you are usually 18 to 19 years old when you graduate, on the other hand, you are a year younger when you leave high school, so 17-18.

how does the scedule look at college?

There is an incredible amount of positives with the school system, from building your own schedule to being able to have incredible freedom. But what are the semesters like in college in America? The semesters look like this in college:

Autumn semester: mid-August to mid-December

Christmas break for a month

Spring term: mid-January to mid-May

THREE months of summer vacation.

Does this sound as good as it gets? You give your very best while you are in college but then you are rewarded with a 3 month summer vacation!

do i need to study 4 years?

This is a good question, the answer to this question depends on which college you go to. First there is Community College, also called Junior College, which is exactly the same as any other college around America but the difference is that at Community College you usually go for 2 years and then you choose if you want to continue your studies at another school ( i.e. make a transfer), or if you want to go home if you feel satisfied with college.

That being said, if you go to a regular college or university, you usually go 4 years, because it usually takes 4 years to get your degree. However, you can choose how quickly you want to take your degree, you can do it faster than 4 years, but also do it slower than 4 years.

So you don’t need to know how long you “have” to be away, you can even go home if you feel that college wasn’t right for you, then you can simply drop out of college and you don’t owe anyone anything. This is because you pay your term fee before you start your term, meaning you can drop out whenever you want.

Do you want to read more about Community College and studying only 2 years?

Because you can also get an esport scholarship at community college!

Click the button to the right!

community college

Måste jag gå 4 år på college?

Detta är en bra fråga, och svaret till denna frågan beror på vilket college du går till. Det finns först Community College, även kallat Junior College, vilket är exakt samma som vilket annat college runt om i Amerika men skillnaden är att på ett Community College går man oftast 2 år och sedan väljer man om man vill fortsätta studera vidare på en annan skola (alltså göra en transfer), eller om man vill åka hem om man känner sig nöjd med college. 

Med detta sagt så går man oftast 4 år om man går på ett vanligt college eller universitet, eftersom det kräver oftast 4 år för att ta sin examen. Däremot kan du välja lite hur snabbt du vill ta din examen, du kan göra ta den snabbare än 4 år, men också göra den långsammare än 4 år. 

Alltså behöver du inte veta hur länge du “måste” vara borta, du kan även åka hem om du känner att college inte var rätt för dig, då kan du helt enkelt hoppa av college och du är inte skyldig någon någonting. Detta är eftersom du betalar din terminsavgift innan du börjar din termin, vilket betyder att du kan hoppa av när du vill.  

Vill du läsa mer om Community College och att studera bara 2 år?
För du kan även få esport stipendium på community college!

Klicka på knappen till höger!

community college

how do i get graded?

In the US, you are graded much like you are graded in Sweden, using A, B, C, D, and F. This means that you don’t have an E that you can see. The grades can also be given a plus or minus. For example, you can get an A+ or B- in your course. Colleges in the US also use percentages, below you will find out exactly how you are graded in college using A to F, 100-0% and what your GPA will be when you get your grade.

A-F | GPA | 100-0%

A | 4.0 | 100-90%
A- | 3.7 | 100-90%
B+ | 3.3 | 89-80%
B | 3.0 | 89-80%
B- | 2.7 | 89-80%
C+ | 2.3 | 79-70%
C | 2.0 | 79-70%
C- | 1.7 | 79-70%
D+ | 1.3 | 69-60%
D | 1.0 | 69-60%
F | 0.0 | 59-0%

grade point average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is something you use to calculate your grade point average. GPA differs from a European grading system, instead of counting grades from A, B, C, D, E and F, so in the US, GPA is calculated between 0.0 to 4.0.

Do you want to know how your Swedish grades are converted to GPA?

4.0 = A
3.5 = B
3.0 = C
2.5 = D
2.0 = E
0.0 = F

Want to know more about what your grade point average / GPA should be for college?

Click the button to the right!


requirements for college

what major should i choose?

If you don’t know which major you want to choose, or if you’ve chosen a major you may not feel strongly about, that’s perfectly fine! There are many who may feel that they do not know if they have made the right choice. This is why your first year of college is so great! Since in your first year at college you will take “basic courses”. Basic courses mean that everyone will take the same courses to get a foundation.

This means that if you feel after your first year that you want to change your major, that’s no problem! If after 2 years you feel like you want to change your major, that’s okay too, just talk to a college counselor on your campus who can help you see if you had any courses you can use for your new major, so that’s it’s perfectly okay not to know which orientation suits you best from the start.

how does my schedule look?

This is one of the best things about college, we at Luna who have gone to college think, that you can set your own schedule!

This is a big difference between colleges in America and universities in Sweden, that you yourself post exactly how you want to study! By this we mean that you will have courses laid out for you according to how you will get through the entire education in 4 years. But, having said that, you will be able to set up your schedule all by yourself. If you want to have all your classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then be free from Thursday to Sunday, that’s perfectly fine. So your schedule will look completely different depending on how you want to set it up. However, as an esports player, you will have to check with your coaches what your training schedule will look like so that you can post your schedule to suit your esports playing.

which courses are there?

From courses in Technology and Engineering to courses in Esport and Media. Colleges in the USA have everything you can think of to study, and then some!

There are courses here for everyone, this is something that is very important, that you find a school that has exactly what you want to train in. This is, as I said, very important, that the schools have a good education and an education that interests you, because going to college is a big decision and a decision that has to feel right for you, if you then train for something you don’t is interested in, it can be very tough to feel motivated.

Do you want to know more about courses in college?

Click the button to the right!


Från utbildningar inom Teknik och Ingenjör till utbildningar inom Esport och Media. På college i USA finns allt du kan tänka dig studera, och lite till!

Här finns utbildningar för alla, och detta är något som är väldigt viktigt, att man hittar en skola som har precis det du vill utbilda dig inom. Detta är som sagt väldigt viktigt, att skolorna har en bra utbildning och en utbildning som intresserar just dig, eftersom att plugga på college är ett stort beslut och ett beslut som måste kännas rätt för just dig, så om du då utbildar dig i något som du inte är intresserad över så kan bli väldigt tufft att känna sig motiverad. 

Vill du veta mer om utbildningar på college?

Klicka på knappen till höger!


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The college school system in the US can definitely be very confusing when you don’t know much about it, especially since you get graded a little differently compared to how you get graded in Sweden. In principle, the school system is roughly the same as at a university back home in Sweden. However, you leave high school earlier in the US than you do in Sweden. High school in the USA is like high school in Sweden, you are usually 18 to 19 years old when you graduate, on the other hand, you are a year younger when you leave high school, so 17-18.


There is an incredible amount of positives with the school system, from building your own schedule to being able to have incredible freedom. But what are the semesters like in college in America? The semesters look like this in college:

Autumn semester: mid-August to mid-December

Christmas break for a month

Spring term: mid-January to mid-May

THREE months of summer vacation.

Does this sound as good as it gets? You give your very best while you are in college but then you are rewarded with a 3 month summer vacation!


This is a good question, the answer to this question depends on which college you go to. First there is Community College, also called Junior College, which is exactly the same as any other college around America but the difference is that at Community College you usually go for 2 years and then you choose if you want to continue your studies at another school ( i.e. make a transfer), or if you want to go home if you feel satisfied with college.

That being said, if you go to a regular college or university, you usually go 4 years, because it usually takes 4 years to get your degree. However, you can choose how quickly you want to take your degree, you can do it faster than 4 years, but also do it slower than 4 years.

So you don’t need to know how long you “have” to be away, you can even go home if you feel that college wasn’t right for you, then you can simply drop out of college and you don’t owe anyone anything. This is because you pay your term fee before you start your term, meaning you can drop out whenever you want.

Do you want to read more about Community College and studying only 2 years?

Because you can also get an esport scholarship at community college!

Click the button to the right!

community college


In the US, you are graded much like you are graded in Sweden, using A, B, C, D, and F. This means that you don’t have an E that you can see. The grades can also be given a plus or minus. For example, you can get an A+ or B- in your course. Colleges in the US also use percentages, below you will find out exactly how you are graded in college using A to F, 100-0% and what your GPA will be when you get your grade.

A-F | GPA | 100-0%

A | 4.0 | 100-90%
A- | 3.7 | 100-90%
B+ | 3.3 | 89-80%
B | 3.0 | 89-80%
B- | 2.7 | 89-80%
C+ | 2.3 | 79-70%
C | 2.0 | 79-70%
C- | 1.7 | 79-70%
D+ | 1.3 | 69-60%
D | 1.0 | 69-60%
F | 0.0 | 59-0%

grade point average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is something you use to calculate your grade point average. GPA differs from a European grading system, instead of counting grades from A, B, C, D, E and F, so in the US, GPA is calculated between 0.0 to 4.0.

Do you want to know how your Swedish grades are converted to GPA?

4.0 = A 
3.5 = B
3.0 = C
2.5 = D
2.0 = E
0.0 = F

Want to know more about what your grade point average / GPA should be for college?

Click the button to the right!



If you don’t know which major you want to choose, or if you’ve chosen a major you may not feel strongly about, that’s perfectly fine! There are many who may feel that they do not know if they have made the right choice. This is why your first year of college is so great! Since in your first year at college you will take “basic courses”. Basic courses mean that everyone will take the same courses to get a foundation.

This means that if you feel after your first year that you want to change your major, that’s no problem! If after 2 years you feel like you want to change your major, that’s okay too, just talk to a college counselor on your campus who can help you see if you had any courses you can use for your new major, so that’s it’s perfectly okay not to know which orientation suits you best from the start.


This is one of the best things about college, we at Luna who have gone to college think, that you can set your own schedule!

This is a big difference between colleges in America and universities in Sweden, that you yourself post exactly how you want to study! By this we mean that you will have courses laid out for you according to how you will get through the entire education in 4 years. But, having said that, you will be able to set up your schedule all by yourself. If you want to have all your classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then be free from Thursday to Sunday, that’s perfectly fine. So your schedule will look completely different depending on how you want to set it up. However, as an esports player, you will have to check with your coaches what your training schedule will look like so that you can post your schedule to suit your esports playing.


From courses in Technology and Engineering to courses in Esport and Media. Colleges in the USA have everything you can think of to study, and then some!

There are courses here for everyone, this is something that is very important, that you find a school that has exactly what you want to train in. This is, as I said, very important, that the schools have a good education and an education that interests you, because going to college is a big decision and a decision that has to feel right for you, if you then train for something you don’t is interested in, it can be very tough to feel motivated.

Do you want to know more about courses in college?

Click the button to the right!



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