College In america

Going to college in America is absolutely amazing and something completely unique. The school spirit, campus and college culture cannot be experienced anywhere else. The biggest difference between a European university and an American one is the ability to become a college athlete. This is an opportunity that thousands of people outside the states take every year because of the opportunity to combine an education with sports, or as in this case, esports instead. The academic part of an American college is of course different from school to school, academically the college is at a very high minimum level and academically there is something for everyone as there are countless educations that will suit exactly who you are. Both sports and esports are absolutely incredible in college because your whole school will cheer you on as you represent the school against other schools in whatever game you play, meaning you’ll be the face of the school and fight for your school must be the best. The esports and sports in America play a big role at your school because the college level is so high that it is broadcast all over the country. That said, you can combine a good education while playing your favorite game. The opportunity to combine an education with a sport at this level will not often be found in other countries, there is no country that does this better than an American college.

You will not only have the adventure of a lifetime, you will also grow incredibly as a person. You as a person will have a fantastic personal growth as you will go abroad and have a completely new adventure. You will also grow up faster than you think because you will have to take care of yourself, but don’t worry, every school does everything to make their students happy and therefore they will help you with everything.

After college, you will also have great career opportunities because you will have a diploma from an American college, which employers consider incredibly good. This will give you an advantage over others because you will be more interesting, you will also be seen as very grown up who has made the incredible college journey.

where do you live?

Some colleges will require you to live on campus, which you do in most cases anyway, if they don’t you will have to decide to either live on campus or not. This means that you have to look for accommodation elsewhere. We recommend living on a college campus, which as I said you probably will anyway. Living on a college campus means you will get a student residence. You get a dormitory where college students live together, usually you have a roommate who attends the same program as you. If you play for your school’s League of Legends team, you will probably share a room with your teammate, this teammate will probably also be a freshman like you. You will usually be required to live in a dormitory for the first year of college. The other years this may be a little more optional, but living on campus for your entire college journey is great.

Want to know more about college campuses and other examples?

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where do you live?

where do you eat?

You will have many options on what you want to eat. You will of course be able to buy your own food and cook it yourself if you want. But on the college campus there will be many restaurants that offer food to the students throughout the day. As a student, you will also receive your own food card to give you three meals a day. This means that you will not have to worry about buying or making your own food, there are several options where you will be able to get food on campus.

Do you want to know more about the college food and some examples?

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where do you eat?

where will i train?

American college campuses can range from a smaller school with a medium-sized campus, to larger schools that have a campus the size of an entire city. It is here on your school’s campus that you usually have your facilities and where you will spend several hours during the week playing. At these facilities you and your team will train for tournaments and other things. Now if you are thinking maybe you won’t have time to sit here at these amazing facilities and spend your time don’t worry, your schedule will be built to coordinate with your other lessons and esporting.

Want to know more about the esports facilities at the college?

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esport facilities

everything about college lectures

Just like universities here at home, there are options for having lectures both online and on campus. That being said, wherever you have lessons, your presence will be of the utmost importance. As a student, you are expected to pay attention and show a positive and good attitude in the classroom. A college student is expected to take certain number of courses during a semester and if the case should be that you fail a class, you have to take the class again the next semester. You are expected to both study hard in the classroom and hand in homework on time. Remember that your attendance rate should be as high as possible, if it should happen that you are ill and cannot attend the lesson, you do just as at home. You call in sick and of course there is no problem because everyone gets sick sometimes and has reasons for not being able to attend classes.

what conditions are there?

The conditions you will have at college are absolutely fantastic. You will have access to a gym and you as a varsity esports player will more than likely have to train a few hours a week with a physical therapist because every school knows the importance of physical movement. Especially if you are an esports player and usually sit down. The team will have several coaches, which means that you will have the absolute best conditions to be as good as possible and hopefully make it to the professional stage.

the american school spirit

The school spirit at American colleges is unforgettable. Being a part of a college is something to be proud of and there is nothing better than cheering on your own school in all the sports and games that are played around the school because you are all one big family. There is an incredible connection between the students and you will make friends for life. Being at an American football game when your rivals come to play and seeing the support is something you never forget, it’s the same for you when you play your esports tournaments. You will receive fantastic support from the school.

It’s even the case that college teams usually have more fans and get more love than many different professional teams around the United States. That’s because when a professional team in the US changes ownership, they can change which city they represent. For example, just three years ago the Los Angeles Chargers in the NFL were the San Diego Chargers. This means that the college scene gets more love because several generations have grown up cheering for your particular school, therefore the college scene gets more love and there are more people who have a burning passion for the success of your college team.

The athletic side of the college is so popular that it is televised across the country. The college football scene even has its own ESPN channel, the esports scene has its own channel on television called ESTV. This means that when you play, your match will likely be broadcast and recorded like any other professional match. They will have commentators and analysts analyzing your match. To give an example of how much support college teams can get, LSU Stadium (pictured right) has over 102,000 people cheering on their team.

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Going to college in America is absolutely amazing and something completely unique. The school spirit, campus and college culture cannot be experienced anywhere else. The biggest difference between a European university and an American one is the ability to become a college athlete. This is an opportunity that thousands of people outside the states take every year because of the opportunity to combine an education with sports, or as in this case, esports instead. The academic part of an American college is of course different from school to school, academically the college is at a very high minimum level and academically there is something for everyone as there are countless educations that will suit exactly who you are. Both sports and esports are absolutely incredible in college because your whole school will cheer you on as you represent the school against other schools in whatever game you play, meaning you’ll be the face of the school and fight for your school must be the best. The esports and sports in America play a big role at your school because the college level is so high that it is broadcast all over the country. That said, you can combine a good education while playing your favorite game. The opportunity to combine an education with a sport at this level will not often be found in other countries, there is no country that does this better than an American college.

You will not only have the adventure of a lifetime, you will also grow incredibly as a person. You as a person will have a fantastic personal growth as you will go abroad and have a completely new adventure. You will also grow up faster than you think because you will have to take care of yourself, but don’t worry, every school does everything to make their students happy and therefore they will help you with everything.

After college, you will also have great career opportunities because you will have a diploma from an American college, which employers consider incredibly good. This will give you an advantage over others because you will be more interesting, you will also be seen as very grown up who has made the incredible college journey.


Some colleges will require you to live on campus, which you do in most cases anyway, if they don’t you will have to decide to either live on campus or not. This means that you have to look for accommodation elsewhere. We recommend living on a college campus, which as I said you probably will anyway. Living on a college campus means you will get a student residence. You get a dormitory where college students live together, usually you have a roommate who attends the same program as you. If you play for your school’s League of Legends team, you will probably share a room with your teammate, this teammate will probably also be a freshman like you. You will usually be required to live in a dormitory for the first year of college. The other years this may be a little more optional, but living on campus for your entire college journey is great.

Want to know more about college campuses and other examples?

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You will have many options on what you want to eat. You will of course be able to buy your own food and cook it yourself if you want. But on the college campus there will be many restaurants that offer food to the students throughout the day. As a student, you will also receive your own food card to give you three meals a day. This means that you will not have to worry about buying or making your own food, there are several options where you will be able to get food on campus.

Do you want to know more about the college food and some examples?

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American college campuses can range from a smaller school with a medium-sized campus, to larger schools that have a campus the size of an entire city. It is here on your school’s campus that you usually have your facilities and where you will spend several hours during the week playing. At these facilities you and your team will train for tournaments and other things. Now if you are thinking maybe you won’t have time to sit here at these amazing facilities and spend your time don’t worry, your schedule will be built to coordinate with your other lessons and esporting.

Want to know more about the esports facilities at the college?

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Just like universities here at home, there are options for having lectures both online and on campus. That being said, wherever you have lessons, your presence will be of the utmost importance. As a student, you are expected to pay attention and show a positive and good attitude in the classroom. A college student is expected to take certain number of courses during a semester and if the case should be that you fail a class, you have to take the class again the next semester. You are expected to both study hard in the classroom and hand in homework on time. Remember that your attendance rate should be as high as possible, if it should happen that you are ill and cannot attend the lesson, you do just as at home. You call in sick and of course there is no problem because everyone gets sick sometimes and has reasons for not being able to attend classes.


The conditions you will have at college are absolutely fantastic. You will have access to a gym and you as a varsity esports player will more than likely have to train a few hours a week with a physical therapist because every school knows the importance of physical movement. Especially if you are an esports player and usually sit down. The team will have several coaches, which means that you will have the absolute best conditions to be as good as possible and hopefully make it to the professional stage.


The school spirit at American colleges is unforgettable. Being a part of a college is something to be proud of and there is nothing better than cheering on your own school in all the sports and games that are played around the school because you are all one big family. There is an incredible connection between the students and you will make friends for life. Being at an American football game when your rivals come to play and seeing the support is something you never forget, it’s the same for you when you play your esports tournaments. You will receive fantastic support from the school.

It’s even the case that college teams usually have more fans and get more love than many different professional teams around the United States. That’s because when a professional team in the US changes ownership, they can change which city they represent. For example, just three years ago the Los Angeles Chargers in the NFL were the San Diego Chargers. This means that the college scene gets more love because several generations have grown up cheering for your particular school, therefore the college scene gets more love and there are more people who have a burning passion for the success of your college team.

The athletic side of the college is so popular that it is televised across the country. The college football scene even has its own ESPN channel, the esports scene has its own channel on television called ESTV. This means that when you play, your match will likely be broadcast and recorded like any other professional match. They will have commentators and analysts analyzing your match. To give an example of how much support college teams can get, LSU Stadium (pictured right) has over 102,000 people cheering on their team.


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